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The Stories


Stephen Mosher

My whole life I heard stories about Granny. From a very small boy, Grandmother (Marjorie) and Mama and Marjorie’s other daughter had wild stories to tell about Granny, and she sounded like a real character. I’m not really sure what her full ancestry was but I know some of it was Irish, and that she married a man of Scottish descent, hence the Scotch-Irish in my bloodline. What I always heard of Granny, what I came to know of her, was that she was a tiny woman who wore cat-eye glasses, that she was defiant as any human being alive, that she had her own personality, a strong will, and that she only ever did anything that she wanted. Her daugher, Marjorie, inherited those traits, my Mother, Juana, inherited those traits, and Juana’s son, Stephen, inherited those traits. I also learned that Granny would do anything to protect her family. That’s Marjorie, that’s Juana, that’s me, all over the place.

Some years ago, I had an idea to write a book about my family. It was an idea that I abandoned because I simply did not believe anyone would read it. In those days I was a failed photographer whose one and only book had not sold, I was a blogger whose own family didn’t read what I wrote, and I was living deep in obscurity, a cater waiter without even a thousand followers on any of my social media platforms. So the idea of the family history went into a file folder.

I recently opened up that folder, only to find printed out notes made from conversations with My Mam, and email exchanges between us.

This was the email in which I wrote, asking for details about Granny, and Me Mother’s reply. I have redacted the name of Marjorie’s sister, who disowned my Mother at the time of Marjorie’s death. I never did reach out to my Grandmother’s sister because anyone who ever hurt or was unkind to my Mother was, instantaneously, dead to me. I can be forgiving about many things - but not about those who hurt My Mama.

Mutti is the German word for Mommy, which we adopted during the Switzerland days.

This is a photo of Granny with My Mam and Pap on their wedding day:

Hi Mutti,

i have some quick questions for ya: 

How tall was granny? 

When did she die? 

What was her maiden name?  What were her married names? 

Is there anything that you think I need to know before beginning my chapter on granny? 

Is it true that Guthrie was a name that was given to the family when they came to America from Scotland? 

Is it true that the Guthrie ancestors came from the House of Stuarts? 

Is it true that the famous actor/director Tyrone Guthrue was one of our relatives? 

Can you give me framework details on the years and places she lived? 

All I have to write about are the famous stories – how she stole clippings during Halloween, how she left her husbands by putting sugar in the gas tank and rice in the radiator, etc. 

I don't need a lot of details, just major plot points and facts.  Anything you can give me to help me out, I would appreciate it. 

Love ya! 


Granny was barely 5 feet tall.  I think it was August 1960, I know it was 1960 because your sister was not a year old.  Alta Mary Upton.  Alta Mary Guthrie was her first married name and Alta Mary Codding her last.  REDACTED can tell you who else she was married to.  I don't mind if you write to her or call her, just don't talk about me. I will try to send you more information on things I remember.  I don't know if the Guthrie was taken by our ancestors or if it was their name to start with.  The Guthries are from the House of Stuart.  There is a statue in the heart of Glasgow of William James Guthrie.  I guess you really need to call REDACTED.  Just don't talk about me. Love you MoM