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The Story Of The Sexy Widow

The Stories

The Story Of The Sexy Widow

Stephen Mosher

The widow was young when she married, but the husband was not.  But they loved each other, in spite of their age difference.  One day, the husband died, and the widow went into mourning.  After a year of mourning, the widow realized that she was still young, she was still vital, and she was horny.  She decided that she would take action, as quickly as possible, and that day, while at the grocery store, she spied with her little eye and bag boy that might, well, satisfy her cravings.  While at the cashier, checking out, the widow began flirting with the bag boy, who was obviously a football player, very attractive, with a fine physique… but the boy seemed to show no interest.  The widow persisted but the vague young man did not bite.  After minutes of chatting up the bag boy, the widow found herself paying the cashier, and heading for the door, the bag boy pushing the shopping cart, as she walked slowly, trying to think of a last-ditch effort to interest the bag boy.  Finally, as the sun blazed into their eyes and the heat of the summer air swallowed them whole, the widow knew that she had to try, just one more time.  Standing at the entry way of the market, looking at the parking lot, the widow turned to the bag boy.

“I have an itchy pussy.”

The bag boy looked at her a moment and spoke, his Texas drawl drawing out the words, languidly.

“Ma’am, you are gonna have to point it out to me - I do not recognize Japanese cars.”

My Mommy told me that joke.

I told Me Father that story the last time he and I were together.  He laughed and said to me, “That’s something parents do when their kids are grown, to let them know that it’s ok to be adults around them.  My father did the same thing to me.”

Who knew?  I thought Mama was just telling me a joke.  Turns out she was parenting.