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The Grocery Store

The Stories

The Grocery Store

Stephen Mosher

A documented conversation that took place in the supermarket during one of my last trips home before Mama went into the Memory Care Facility.

Before I tell this story, I should say my parents always make each other laugh, they love to play, they love to laugh, they enjoy each other very much, at all times.

Daddy: I wish you would stop that.

Mama: What?

Daddy: Eating the produce.

Mama: It was just a cherry. To see if they're good.

Daddy: I already have some in the cart.

Me: Do you want me to take your cherry pit?

Mama: No, I'll put it in my pocket.

Me: What else do we need?

Daddy: Bananas. 

Mama: Oooh! The broken bin!

Daddy: They always have good things in the broken bin.

Mama: Can I have that?

Daddy: No, you have diabetes, you can't have coffee cake.

Mama: But I want it.

Daddy: You can't have it.

Mama: I'm gonna throw my cherry seed at you. (She does). Look. I got him. Right between the feet.

Me: It would be funny if it were a cherry danish.

Mama: I like the sticky buns.