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Juana Mosher I, Of The Beholder

The Stories

Juana Mosher I, Of The Beholder

Stephen Mosher

In 2012 I was working on a project titled I, OF THE BEHOLDER. I invited several people to be involved, including My Mother, Juana Mosher. Each of the invitees would sit for a photo shoot and then do an on camera interview; all of the questions in the interview were about the experience of being beautiful. I thought it was a wonderful idea and I had an amazing time working with these True Beauties.

However, I suffer from chronic depression and I had a low swing that cost me momentum with the project, and when I came back into the light I didn't want to be a photographer anymore, and the whole project went onto an external harddrive, where it was never revisited. And even though I will not pick it up again, I am grateful for the materials made while working on it.

Today, on the day of My Mam's death, I am particularly grateful because I have this video footage of the Wonder of Juana.