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Conversations With Juana

The Stories

Conversations With Juana

Stephen Mosher

One of the conversations I documented when Mama’s dementia became apparent:

Mama: (Entering the house from dinner out, speaking to the dog) What's for dessert, Oreo?

Stephanie: You just had cake.

Mama: WHAT?!

Stephanie: We had cake at Daddy's birthday.

Mama: We did?

Me: Yes, my darling.

Mama: I didn't get a slice.

Me: You did, my love. A very healthy slice and you loved it.

Mama: I DID?!

Me: Yes sweetheart. Tony brought it. It was white cake with strawberries and lovely icing and shaves of white chocolate.

Mama: And I had a piece?

Me: Yes, my beauty. You really enjoyed it.

Mama: I don't remember eating cake.

Me: I have a photo.

Mama: It wasn't half an hour ago.

Me: No my angel.

Mama: I have to call my doctor.

Me: Why is that, dolly?

Mama: Because that SUCKS.

Me: What's that, my sweet girl?

Mama: I ate cake and I don't even get to remember it!