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Chatting With Juana

The Stories

Chatting With Juana

Stephen Mosher

When Mama’s dementia became apparent, I began documenting our conversations.

Mama: How many children do I have?

Me: Four.

Mama: Are they all here in the house right now?

Me: Three of us are.

Mama: You, Stephanie and Jimmy.

Me: Yes. Tony lives a few towns over.

Mama: Do I have grandchildren?

Me: Yes. Tony's children..

Mama: Erin and Alex ...

Me: They have a brother. He's in the Marines.

Mama: Fox.

Me: Stephanie has two daughters.

Mama: Ashley and Kimberly.

Me: Yes. Tony has a toddler.

Mama: Evie.

Me: Yes! You have great-grandchildren.

Mama: Liam and Nolan.

Me; YESSS!!! Do you remember your mother's name?

Mama: Marjorie.

Me. And your father?

Mama: Ben. Benny.

Me: But first..

Mama: Augustino.

Me: Celestino.

Mama: Celestino Augustino

Me: See? Even I didn't know his middle name.

Mama: I do.

Me: And your Grandmother?

Mama: Alta.

Me: And her last name?

Mama: Shit. She was married six times. I could never remember all those names!